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Monday, March 18, 2013


Wednesday, March 20th is officially the first day of Spring. Most of the snow is gone and we've had lovely weather this past week. Even with a bit chill in the air the past few days a warm sun has been out which has been soooo nice. Moose is like a cat, he follows the sun around the house and loves to lay in the warm light streaming through the windows. Daylight savings time has brought a longer day to us and it's so nice to have it light till close to 6:30 pm everyday and Spring Fever is in full bloom for me.

Sunday was St. Patrick's Day, which I found since I'm dating someone who is of Irish descent, is considered a holiday. I started my day by getting the CornedBeef in the slow cooker....a few spices, some brown sugar, apple cider vinegar and of course a beer (for the corned beef not me).

 I decided to try my hand at making  Irish Soda Bread. I found a few recipes on Pintrest (I'm addicted to this site) and choose the one that both looked good and easy to follow. I mixed all the ingredients and buttered my oval Gold Butterfly Pyrex casserole and off to the oven the bread went. After about 50 minuets of baking out of the oven it came and the smell of that wonderful slightly sweet bread filled the house. Once the bread cooled I placed it on my burgundy oval Pyrex resturantware plate,this was a nice find at a GoodWill by Bangor. Dinner turned out great, CornedBeef, potatoes, carrots and of course the cabbage ... a bit of the soda bread on the side. 

And just think , in 2 weeks it will be Easter dinner

 OH, and did I mention Spring here in Maine will begin with upwards of 10 to 16 inches of snow ...... UGH

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